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Posted almost 5 years ago by christopheroussy
I recently moved to jQuery 3.4.1 which deprecates selectors using :first, :last, ... and such in preparation for jQuery 4.x. I was wondering how much this impacts jQueryUI datepicker because I grepped into all .js files in my project and in ... [More] jQueryUI I see: e.dpDiv.find("select.ui-datepicker-year:first").replaceWith(e.yearshtml) and .filter(":first") in jQuery UI - v1.12.1 - 2016-12-02. .first() could be used instead. Will major jQuery libraries like jQuery UI also be updated to remove/replace the deprecated selectors ? ​https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/4420 [Less]
Posted almost 5 years ago by Roinoss
Components: ui.sortable + ui.dropable Case: Have sortable with hidden items and shown item. Drag shown sortable item over dropable with action 'over' -> function show hidden items. Hidden items are visible now. Try to sort (without ... [More] releasing helper) dragged item into hidden before items. They are not sortable until dragged item is dropped. Fiddle: ​http://jsfiddle.net/d1a6hmgv/2/ PS.: I couldn't ask about this on forum, always got redricted to login page and after login, to blank page. [Less]
Posted almost 5 years ago by vaishnavimakam
API documentation says we can use CTRL + Pageup/pagedown to move to next and previous year in the datepicker. However, these are browser defaults to switch between next and previous tabs. Agree we can change these to work with our own hotkeys defined, but can we expect a fix for these anytime ?
Posted almost 5 years ago by vaishnavimakam
API documentation says we can use CTRL + Right/Left arrow to move to next and previous date. This functionality works.. However, the screen readers reads out as "Blank" when we do CTRL + Right/Left arrow. Steps to replicate in ... [More] ​http://jqueryui.com/datepicker/ Have a screen reader running. I am using NVDA. Select some date so the textbox is filled. Use keybord to select next date CRTL + Right arrow. Notice that the screen reader reads out "BLANK". Try 'Page Up', screen reader reads out the selected date in the field. Expected result: Screen reader should readout the selected date in the field even for CTRL + RIGHT arrow and CTRL + LEFT arrow. Same is expected for CTRL + SHIFT + Pageup/down to move to next/prev year. This can also be replicated in ​http://jqueryui.com/datepicker/ [Less]
Posted almost 5 years ago by eslindsey
The 'direction' option for the 'scale' effect (horizontal, vertical) is ignored. Reproduced by other users: ​http://forum.jquery.com/topic/scale-effect-direction-not-working This is affecting my own applications, as well as the jQuery UI demo page.
Posted about 5 years ago by garycuthbert
Following feedback from a question i posted on the forum: ​https://forum.jquery.com/topic/selectmenu-widget-correct-usage-of-destroy I thought it would be worth raising this as a potential issue. I am looking at memory usage in our web app and ... [More] have been using the chrome developer memory tool (under windows 10) to take heap snapshots before and after certain actions. One such issue appears to be coming from the selectmenu widget. I have created a codepen that shows the behaviour seen: ​https://codepen.io/garycuthbert/pen/dEjvyq If you: Run the codepen under chrome (i used incognito mode) and access the memory developer tools. Collect the garbage (dustbin icon) and take an initial heap snapshot. Click 'Create Combobox' and observe that a combo box is added to the output. Click 'Remove ComboBox' and observe that the combo box is removed from the output. Return to the memory tools and collect the garbage (you may need to wait a few seconds and click the icon a couple of times until the heap size stops reducing). Take another heap snapshot. Select the second snapshot, view the summary with 'Detached' in the view filter and select 'Objects allocated between Snapshot 1 and Snapshot 2' Expand the 'Detached HTMLSelectElement' node and hover over the 'Detached' text of the sub item, you should see 'select.soloComboSelect'. Screenshot: ​https://monosnap.com/file/4sHYv6pl6LTWQMMVfzalDILYazIHNE I believe i am making the necessary calls to clear the DOM of the combobox but the heap comparison appears to suggest that the selectmenu widget is holding onto a reference to the select node. In the codepen function 'destroyCombo' you can see that i explicitly clear the select node of options and call selectmenu('refresh') before calling selectmenu('destroy), without this extra step i see detached option elements that correspond to each of the 7 options added to the select node, screen shot: ​https://monosnap.com/file/CkztRik4XBuoNoanFJDhKtvFjEfPNK Our app and the codepen both use v1.12.1 of jqueryui. Our app uses this with jquery v3.1.0 but the same behaviour is seen on the codepen using jquery v3.4.1. [Less]
Posted about 5 years ago by alstr
When navigating away from a page containing checkboxradio widgets, then back using the browser back button, they all display the incorrect icon, and do not change when selected: ​https://i.stack.imgur.com/iabQj.png Looking at the web inspector ... [More] , the background position for the icon is being overrode by the jQuery UI CSS: .ui-state-hover, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-hover { background-position-x: initial; background-position-y: initial; } This is an example label, the only difference pre/post back navigation being ui-state-hover is set on the first span when I return to the page, which causes the incorrect icon: 14 Jan 2020 - 24 Mar 2020 I can get the icons to load correctly on initial load and back navigation by calling $( ".ui-checkboxradio-icon" ).removeClass( "ui-state-hover" ) immediately after creating them. I have narrowed down the issue to it occurring in Chrome and Firefox (not Safari) and when the checkboxradio widgets are within a jQuery UI dialog. I can reproduce it in Chrome (current version 74.0.3729.169) and Firefox (current version 67.0) on macOS with the following minimal code: Page 1 Test Next Where page-2.html is any old page that, when loaded, you navigate back to page-1.html from using the browser back button: Page 2 Now navigate back. JSFiddle: ​https://jsfiddle.net/2dcy3jz5/2/ Originally asked at ​https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56236771/jquery-ui-checkboxradio-icon-incorrect-on-back-navigation. [Less]
Posted about 5 years ago by p-zientek
Hi all, im from Europe with it's timezone, and when i change the timezone to for instance America/New York then my whole calendar is really messed up and i dont know the reason behind it. I can provide more information and even a video of the bug. Is that a common jquery issue ? i coulndn't found reliable fix for that.
Posted about 5 years ago by Lothar Bongartz, 1der1.com
maxHeight works fine when used for dialog init. However, the setter option $( ".selector" ).dialog( "option", "maxHeight", 600 ); works like the height option: The height changes instantly, but maxHeight of the dialog is unchanged.
Posted about 5 years ago by slepmog
We are using Sortable to drag trs between tbodys of different tables. We need to be able to drop rows onto empty tables, and because empty tbody has zero height no matter what, we have to use a workaround described in ... [More] ​https://stackoverflow.com/a/4350165/11683 (the point is to drag the row onto the div wrapper and use the receive handler to attach the row to tbody instead of the div). This works very well, except in one following case: There are two tables. You drag and drop a row from one table to another. All looks good. You again start dragging that same row you just dropped onto the second table. While dragging, you move the mouse over the first table (without dropping), then move the mouse back to the second table and finally drop. In this situation, the receive handler is not called, so the dropped row is attached using the default mechanism, which means it becomes a direct child of the wrapping div. The problem only occurs when dragging a row that has changed its parent table at least once. If you drag a row that still resides in its original table in that manner, the problem does not occur. Expected behaviour: EITHER the receive handler is called so that the row could be attached in a proper manner, OR the row is returned to the second table as if revert happened (because, after all, we are dropping it on the same table we started dragging it from). Reproducible in Firefox 66.0.4 and Chrome 74.0.3729.131. jsFiddle with instructions: ​https://jsfiddle.net/zmhbxv7s/ [Less]