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Analyzed about 12 hours ago. based on code collected 2 days ago.
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Average Rating:   5.0/5.0
Number of Ratings:   3
Number of Reviews:   1

My Review of Thymeleaf

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Most Helpful Reviews

gerryK says:
Goodbye JSPs  
written over 11 years ago

If it wasn't for been given a really underpowered cloud instance I won't have questioned using Tomcat. TJWS without the Jasper JSP engine looked promising and yet what JEE view technologies don't use JSP? Enter Thymeleaf...

At last a view technology that makes sense and keeps you honest when it comes to separating the V from the C. It forces you to push logic back into constructing a model that you can display as is rather than leaking into the view.
Templates are HTML so can be viewed in a browser. OK once you start pulling common blocks (components LOL!) in as fragments it isn't as easy and yet by the time you do that you know how it will look.
While you can use conditional logic to control what to display using 'if', 'switch' and 'unless' you cannot assign variables other than as the iterator in a (for) each.

Internationalisation is a no brainer.

Inlining is useful but can be abused by the lazy (just about everybody sometimes).

Thymeleaf is simple so the learning curve is short. The output on the console takes you straight to the problem. Spotting expression language errors comes easily once you take 10 minutes to learn it.

Thymeleaf with Spring 3 is a winning combination.

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Most Recent Reviews

gerryK says:
Goodbye JSPs  
written over 11 years ago

If it wasn't for been given a really underpowered cloud instance I won't have questioned using Tomcat. TJWS without the Jasper JSP engine looked promising and yet what JEE view technologies don't use JSP? Enter Thymeleaf...

At last a view technology that makes sense and keeps you honest when it comes to separating the V from the C. It forces you to push logic back into constructing a model that you can display as is rather than leaking into the view.
Templates are HTML so can be viewed in a browser. OK once you start pulling common blocks (components LOL!) in as fragments it isn't as easy and yet by the time you do that you know how it will look.
While you can use conditional logic to control what to display using 'if', 'switch' and 'unless' you cannot assign variables other than as the iterator in a (for) each.

Internationalisation is a no brainer.

Inlining is useful but can be abused by the lazy (just about everybody sometimes).

Thymeleaf is simple so the learning curve is short. The output on the console takes you straight to the problem. Spotting expression language errors comes easily once you take 10 minutes to learn it.

Thymeleaf with Spring 3 is a winning combination.

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